

What is nano-silica


Industry News

Nano-silica (English name nano-silicon dioxide) is an inorganic chemical material, commonly known as white carbon black. Because it is nanoscale, the size range is 1 ~ 100nm, so it has many special properties, such as optical properties against ultraviolet light, which can improve the strength and chemical resistance of other materials. Wide range of uses. Nanoscale silica is amorphous white powder with spherical microstructure, flocculent and reticular quasi-particle structure, molecular formula and structural formula of SiO2, insoluble in water.

Nanometer is a scale of 10-9 meters. Nanomaterials refer to the range of nanometer size in one dimension in three-dimensional space, that is, the range of 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanomaterials exhibit many unique properties due to their small size effect, surface effect and macroscopic quantum tunneling effect, and have broad application prospects in catalysis, light filtering, light absorption, medicine, magnetic media and new materials.

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