

A quick overview of the application of nano-silica in 16 fields


Industry News

Due to the quantum size of nano SiO2, quantum tunneling effect and its optical, electrical properties, high magnetoresistance phenomenon, nonlinear resistance phenomenon and high temperature still have high strength, high toughness, good stability and other singular characteristics, so that nano SiO2 can be widely used in many fields, almost all applications of SiO2 powder industry, for the upgrading of traditional products to bring epoch-making significance! At present, nano-silica is mainly used in the following fields:

1. Application in electronic packaging materials

2. Application in rubber modification

3. Application in coatings

4. Application in Pigment

5. Application in plastic engineering

6. Application in adhesives and sealants

7. Application in ceramic products

8, Application in the Textile Industry

9, Applications in Biomedical Engineering

10, Applications in the field of optics

11, Application in Modification of Resin Matrix Composites

12, Application in Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers

13, Application in Agriculture and Food Industry

14. Application in the field of cosmetics

15. Application in color inkjet printing

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