Application of Nano-Silica in Electronic Packaging Materials

High-purity spherical nano-SiO2 as a new type of scarce mineral materials, because of its high dielectric, high heat resistance, high moisture resistance, high filling volume, low expansion, low stress, low impurities, low friction coefficient and other superior performance, in the electronics, electrical appliances and many other fields has broad application prospects, is the main raw materials necessary for large-scale integrated circuit packaging.





Our company was approved for key research and development projects in Henan Province.

Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology issued a notice on the second batch of science and technology development plans for Henan Province in 2023. The project "Key Technology Development for Large-scale Preparation of Single Kettle 75mm3 Nano Silica Aerogel" led by our company was approved and supported by the provincial finance in 1 million yuan.





The key project of Henan science and technology research and development plan joint fund participated by our company was approved

Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology announced the second batch of joint fund projects for provincial science and technology research and development plans in 2022. Led by Henan University, our company and Henan Oilfield Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute participated in the "Industrialized Preparation and Application of Nano-additives for Improving the Recovery Rate of Low-grade Oil and Gas Resources" project was approved as a key project and received special funding support of 900000 yuan.





A quick overview of the application of nano-silica in 16 fields

Due to the quantum size of nano SiO2, quantum tunneling effect and its optical, electrical properties, high magnetoresistance phenomenon, nonlinear resistance phenomenon and high temperature still have high strength, high toughness, good stability and other singular characteristics, so that nano SiO2 can be widely used in many fields, almost all applications of SiO2 powder industry, for the upgrading of traditional products to bring epoch-making significance! At present, nano-silica is mainly used in the following fields:





What is nano-silica

Nano-silica (English name nano-silicon dioxide) is an inorganic chemical material, commonly known as white carbon black. Because it is nanoscale, the size range is 1 ~ 100nm, so it has many special properties, such as optical properties against ultraviolet light, which can improve the strength and chemical resistance of other materials. Wide range of uses. Nanoscale silica is amorphous white powder with spherical microstructure, flocculent and reticular quasi-particle structure, molecular formula and structural formula of SiO2, insoluble in water.





Our company led the approval of key R & D projects in Henan Province

Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology issued a notice on the second batch of science and technology development plans for Henan Province in 2023. The project "Key Technology Development for Large-scale Preparation of 75m3 Nano Silica Aerogel in a Single Kettle" led by our company was approved and supported by the provincial finance in 1 million yuan.





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