

Henan Haiborui Silicon Material Technology Co., Ltd. won the "Jiyuan High-tech Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2023


Industry News

From July 18th to 19th, 2023, the 2023 "Jiyuan High-tech Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition hosted by the Jiyuan Demonstration Zone Industry and Technology Commission and undertaken by Jiyuan High-tech Zone was successfully held in Yigao Internet Incubation Park. After two days of intense competition, the "Special Function Nano Silica-Industrial Chicken Essence" project of Henan Haiborui Silicon Material Technology Co., Ltd. won the second place in the growth group of "Henan Division of the 12th China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition and Jiyuan Division of the 15th Henan Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

The participating project was led by Dr. Liu Peisong, and an innovation and entrepreneurship team composed of 5 senior titles and 8 doctoral degree winners was formed. The project mainly focuses on the company's hydrophobic modified nano-silica. Through the joint efforts of team members, starting from the company's reality, the company will conduct detailed material sorting and product display in five aspects: technology and products, business model and implementation plan, industry and market, team building, and financial analysis. And from multiple dimensions such as innovation leadership, business model, legal risk, development status and market prospects, it reflects the potential of the company and points the way for later development.

It is reported that this innovation and entrepreneurship competition, with the theme of "Innovation Leading, Entrepreneurship Building Dreams", aims to stimulate innovation potential, gather entrepreneurial resources, and promote new products, new technologies, new models, and new business formats as the goal, and create service innovation and entrepreneurship enterprises (Project) A high-quality platform for exchange, display, and integration and development, fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of the majority of enterprises in innovation and entrepreneurship, and actively create a strong atmosphere for mass entrepreneurship.

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违禁词: First, best, first-class, leading, unique, king, leader, leader, extreme,


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