

Our company participates in the key projects of the joint fund of Henan science and technology research and development plan.


Company News

Recently, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology announced the second batch of joint fund projects for provincial science and technology research and development plans in 2022. Led by Henan University, our company and Henan Oilfield Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute participated in the "Industrialized Preparation and Application of Nano-additives for Improving the Recovery Rate of Low-grade Oil and Gas Resources" project was approved as a key project and received special funds to support 900000 yuan.

This project mainly focuses on the key technical problems of low-grade oil and gas resources development such as heavy oil and low permeability. On the basis of the early development of loaded nano-metal catalysts, emulsified viscosity reducers and intelligent oil displacement agents, the surface structure design and large-scale preparation of nano-additives, the compatibility regulation of nano-additives and reservoir environment, and the application technology of improving reservoir recovery rate are carried out to form a series of new materials, new theories and new technologies that can improve the development benefits of high-grade oil and gas resources. The project is divided into three sub-topics, of which our company cooperated with Henan University to complete two topics: 1) key technology for large-scale preparation of environmentally responsive heavy oil viscosity reducer and 2) key technology for large-scale preparation of residual oil-oriented Janus-SiO2. The research work was undertaken and the provincial special fund was 315000 yuan. This project will give full play to the respective advantages of Henan University, Henan Oilfield and our company, and carry out in-depth research on the surface structure design and large-scale preparation of nano-additives, the compatibility control of nano-additives and reservoir environment, and the application technology of improving reservoir recovery, which will make important contributions to the industrial structure adjustment of nano-new materials in our province and the efficient development of low-grade oil and gas resources in our country.

It is reported that on September 12, the Henan Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Henan Academy of Sciences "Notice on the Establishment of the Second Batch of Provincial Science and Technology Research and Development Plan Joint Fund Projects in 2022" (Yuke Item [2023] No. 38) was issued, support was given to 124 key projects and youth projects such as "research and industrialization of key technologies for processing high-performance strong laser thin film components", "creation and industrialization of high-efficiency green feed additives for livestock and poultry based on full component utilization of non-medicinal parts of traditional Chinese medicine", "early fault identification and remaining life prediction of high-speed railway axle box bearings driven by multi-source data.

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